Randy’s Cutting Board conditioner is the best
How do I treat/clean/protect my brand-new cutting board?
Randy’s “famous” Cutting Board Conditioner is a mixture of food grade mineral oil, organic bees wax and doterra “wild orange” essential oil. The product is designed to be a food safe alternative to finishing & protecting wooden end-grain cutting boards. Juices from vegetables and constant cleaning creates a cycle of drying out and damages wooden cutting boards. The wax protects the pores, mineral oil provides a sheen, and both combine to stabilize the wood. We threw in the “wild orange” bc it both smells great and has disinfectant qualities. Apply the conditioner to the surface of the board and use figure 8 swirling motions (with a clean lint free cloth).
How often should I apply Randy’s FCBC?
Well, this all depends on how long you want your cutting board to last. We suggest every time it’s hand cleaned with soap/water and after it’s dried, you apply a small coat.
How often should I clean my cutting board?
If you only eat vegetables, then it’s not imperative that you clean the board as often. Wiping it down with a clean dry cloth after use is safe and occasionally cleaning it in the sink. If you cut meats on your board, then it’s necessary to clean and treat more often. We suggest having a separate board for veggies or a food grade silicon cutting sheet for your meat. These are DW safe.
Should I put my cutting board in the D/W?
Most artisanal cutting boards that are hand made use food grade glue. This for the most part breaks down under extreme heat scenarios. Examples being: back seat of a car in the summer, D/W, Next to the stove, near a steam bath, on a hotdog cart. So, no, you should NOT put your handmade cutting board in the D/W.
Should I ever stop conditioning my cutting board?
We suggest that you never stop conditioning your board. We know it’s a hard task, what with all the other tasks in life, but if you never stop conditioning it, it has a true chance to last forever. So, that’s why we make travel-sized Randy’s FCBC. This is for when you’re on the go and doing those aforementioned tasks. Place the cutting board on your lap as you drive and apply the conditioner with your free hand. Use a figure 8 swirling motion and focus on the road/oncoming traffic.
If I have more than 1 cutting board, how can I condition both at the same time?
We’re currently working on the technology to apply Randy’s FCBC to multiple boards at the same time. Currently, since we’ve sunk so much money into the technology, we’re not at liberty to discuss the progress… but know this, it’s around the corner. Until then, you’ll need to employ your friends and family. And yes, the automated Randy’s FCBC conveyor belt closed loop system is an urban myth.
Is it true that I can just get these same ingredients and make this myself?
No, Randy’s is almost impossible to make. There’s a team of people non stop working on obscene amounts of Randy’s 24-7. Lab coats, special UV lighting, Devo/Hazmat suits, etc… So, we strongly suggest you leave that part to us.